Access highly engaged, diverse students and recent graduates and launch impactful campaigns.

Balance volume, diversity and quality in your early careers hiring by connecting with our network of 1 million members, digitally and through leading hybrid events.

Book a demo

Centralise your brand with your employer profile hub, including unlimited role listings, hosted content and AI powered outreach that resonates with your audience, plus end-to-end analytics and engagement tracking 


Drive off-the-charts engagement by reaching the right audience at the right time, with just a few clicks. 

  • Select your target audience in a few simple steps, with granular segmentation of declared attributes and behavioural activity 

  • Leverage 300m+ data points in real time, connecting with the most relevant and engaged members in the moment 

Deep Dive
Combine declared data
Including graduation year, degree, ethnicity, gender, social mobility status and location preferences
With behavioural data
Engagement algorithm includes jobs and events engaged with, company profiles viewed, sectors explored and advice read


Achieve the highest conversion on your opportunities through a multi-channel engagement approach across email, website advertising, social media and hybrid events, supported by our team of Gen Z and early careers experts. 

Job placement
Put your brand in front of the right members with AI-powered website adverts across job search, job listings, dashboards and our weekly newsletter

Sit above your competitors with personalised ads served only to relevant members that you want to reach, using a performance-based model to guarantee results. 

Find out more

Screenshot of the newsletter
Get your roles into the inbox of our most engaged members with our personalised weekly newsletter, powered by AI

Appear in 25k+ newsletters across the season to only the most relevant members, guaranteeing strong conversion. 

Click through rates
See 2x industry average CTR with finely targeted email campaigns that stand out

Hit the right tone with personalised Gen Z messaging, adapted by us to suit your specific focus, such as promoting diversity initiatives to Black heritage members or early years brand awareness engagement. 

Find out more

Social media campaigns
Drive 95% more traffic to your employer branded profile thanks to bespoke social media campaigns

Engage relevant members and boost brand awareness through finely targeted paid advertising on Meta and bespoke story content on our Instagram. 

Find out more

Champion your brand
Champion your brand at diversity-specific and sector-focused hybrid events with a 99% satisfaction rating

Meet your perfect students and graduates thanks to targeted attraction and pre-screening for quality, and enjoy guaranteed engagement with your brand and both industry-leading flagship and highly bespoke events.

Find out more


Prove ROI whenever with data at your fingertips. No more reporting blind spots.

Access essential performance metrics and in-depth demographic analytics, compare against your competition and trace ROI end-to-end with our proprietary Talent Tracker. 

Truly understand your campaign success with unprecedented access to transparent and uncomplicated real-time data, all in one place. 

Demographic breakdown
In-depth demographic analytics

Detailing who’s engaging with your brand, how they’re converting and which jobs appeal most when it comes to diverse audiences

Photo of two people at an event
Easy-to-access breakdowns

Of page views, click throughs, email engagement and conversion, in full campaign or date-selected views 


Keep an eye on the competition in-campaign and change your approach in response

Conversion rate
Get ahead of competitors

With access to how your conversion rates compare to the sector.

Screenshot of the platform
See where you’re outperforming

And where you need to push harder when it comes to diversity, with sector benchmarking for audience groups 

Close the tracking loop with our GDPR-compliant member comparison tool

Screenshot of the platform
Take control of your success tracking

As you upload your hire data to our unique comparison tool 

Image of two people at an event
Understand end-to-end impact

Discover which of your hires are Bright Network members and prove your campaign success

"This tool has been incredibly helpful particularly when backdating information for our spreadsheets and trackers"
RBC Logo

Operate at the cutting edge of societal change with a team of experts you can rely on

With the ever-changing early careers climate requiring the ability to course correct for Gen Z’s needs and expectations, approaching DEIB and juggling campaigns across your busy teams, it can be challenging to deliver campaigns that hit the right tone and deliver great results. Our highly experienced team, at the intersection of early careers, Gen Z mindset and marketing, are here to help. Harnessing their knowledge and our industry-leading member and employer-led research insights, they will ensure that your campaigns fly and you achieve your goals. 

Photo of Anna De Pascalis
Anna De Pascalis
Photo of Dylan Bone
Dylan Bone
Photo of Edwina Ko
Edwina Ko
Image of Jen Hindle
Jen Hindle
Photo of Johnson Adeyanju
Johnson Adeyanju
Josh Triggs
Josh Triggs
Katie Fenton
Katie Fenton
Lois Lawrence
Lois Lawrence
rate our team good or excellent
working day to hear back from us
days to turnaround a campaign
"It is really easy and intuitive to use, it’s a good additional process to the system. Gives a bit more visibility on the various options available"
Rothschild & Co
festival 2022

Discover our platform

Let our team of experts share how we will support you to achieve your volume, diversity and quality goals

Photo of two graduates